We all have work and family responsibilities we cannot ignore or avoid in our lives. Because of this, stress is often a result and can cause us so much grief both mentally as well as physically. However, many easy things can be done to help alleviate our stress and prevent us lives, and participate in activities that make up happy.
First, let us consider foods that can help to reduce our stress levels. Research shows that the vitamin C present in orange juice can actually lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol. In addition, grapefruit juice, strawberries, or sweet red peppers also help to boost your immune system. Drinking more water and green tea and less colas is also advised. Eating small low calorie meals and snacks throughout the day helps to reduce anxiety. Eating such foods as low fat beef, low fat milk, cottage cheese, fruit, almonds, blueberries, tuna, and cornflakes cereal can provide you with vitamin B which is known to help smooth out your mood.
Exercise is another good way to beat stress. It helps your body produce endorphins that make you feel good. Exercising in warm weather can boost your mood while a daily brisk walk of about thirty minutes on a cool day can greatly reduce stress levels. I personally have experienced this and often go to my personal gym to exercise when I am feeling stressed from too much work.
On the other hand, relaxation strategies may be a great solution for stress. Treating yourself to a massage at least twice a month decreases the level of cortical which creates the “fight or flight” response. A massage is more than just a way to pamper yourself. It increases serotonin, the chemical that helps with sleep, anxiety and depression and increases dopamine, which provides the body sensations of pleasures and smooths stress away before it can build up. On my birthday on June 30, my husband gifted me with my first professional massage. It was a wonderful experience, and I quickly learned the value of being able to distress with a good deep massage. If this is not possible for you though, then invest in some lavender or rosemary scents and take a deep breath. It will instantly put you in a more relaxed state and also lower levels of cortisol. If you prefer not to use scents, then practice the act of deep breathing regularly. This will send oxygen surging through your bloodstream and help you to calm down and beat the stress. Finally, a really fun way to relax is simply to sing—to sing loudly to your heart’s content. Turn up the radio and just start singing. Studies show that singing can make you feel happier and feel less stressed and benefit your breathing, heart, and immune system.
Cleaning up the clutter in your life can provide a more relaxing, stress-free environment in which to live. Having too much stuff can make you feel overwhelmed and bogged down and could lead to stress. Living in constantly messy surroundings brings on unwanted anxiety. Thus, de-clutter to de-stress. Start with a small space and gradually move to bigger things. Doing everything all at one time could create more stress. While deciding what to do, turn on some of your favorite music or a TV show you enjoy. Then make your “To Do” list. This will make the task easier and also will help you to organize your work better. Schedule times you want to start and complete each task on the list. You will feel more in control of your life. When you feel you are in the driver’s seat, you are less likely to get tripped up by stress. After your life is more organized, you will then have more time to engage in the activities that you love—drawing, dancing, singing, gardening, cooking, playing sports, whatever it may be. These activities can be used for self-therapy and chase away tension.
Pets are known not only to give you unconditional love, but spending time with them is actually great for your health. Research has shown that petting your dog or cat for just a few minutes releases feel-good hormones like serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin in your body and also decreases the amount of the damaging stress hormones. This results in lowering your blood pressure, lessoning anxiety, and promoting even better immunity.
Finally and most importantly, you must rethink and change some of the things you may be doing that are creating stress. Maybe you have issues with using the word “NO” when asked to do something you do not have time to do or do not want to do. You must learn to say “NO” and mean it. You must set boundaries and then not let people move them, especially those people who continually push you to see how much they can get from you. To be honest, this has always been one of my problems, but over the past few years I am learning to be more firm when I say “NO” now. Trying to please everyone, in particular those who never give anything back to you, drains your energy and vitality. In addition to this, you need to banish those self-inflicted rules that you say you must be the perfect parent, the perfect spouse, the best employee, or the best student. This is another thing I have been guilty to trying to do. I know that being this way has only brought more stress to my doorstep.
One day a few months ago, my stress was becoming overwhelming and almost out of control. To relax, I decided to sit down and write a poem to express how I was feeling at that time. I found myself laughing at how silly I was feeling and actually started enjoying my day instead of being so stressed and upset. These were my thoughts that stressful day. Enjoy.
By Randi D. Ward
Stress, stress can create such a mess!
It makes my relax time less and less!
It often makes my back really hurt and ache
And requires much medicine for me to take.
My head begins to throb and makes me feel crazy.
When deep down I just simply want to be lazy,
So I begin to fantasize of sitting on a sandy beach
And enjoying a juicy and delicious Georgia peach.
But even this does not reduce my awful stress,
So I dream of being able to buy a cute hat and dress
Because shopping for fashions can change my stressful thought
And make feel so happy thinking about these things I just bought.
But even this will not always change my crazy, troubled mind
Because doing this only makes me get farther and farther behind
With all of the work and duties that are causing my stressful mood.
It also makes me crave and eat all the wrong kinds of fattening food,
And then I become more stressed thinking about the calories I just ate,
But of course, after I have gorged myself on potato chips, it is much too late,
And many more hours are now required to spend working out at my local gym
Which adds more stress making me feel like I’m dangling helplessly from a tree limb.
As you can see, stress has become a serious problem in my very hectic life.
And at times has caused me too much ridiculous, unnecessary, silly strife.
What is the best solution to learn to relax and to be calm once more?
Trying to figure this out only makes me more stressed and makes me roar,
Randi D. Ward July 23, 2013