The list of amazing people I have befriended on Facebook that is now a real and lasting friend is one of my heroes—– Max (Mahmoud Max Hassouna), an Egyptian born man who spent much of his life living in Kenya and also in England where he is also a British citizen. Max is one of the most interesting men I have ever met. At one time he worked for United Kingdom Specialized Security Firms, but because of a tragic family event, he left this organization and decided to do something so special and so unselfish to honor his mother who had been murdered in Kenya. She had always loved trees so much.
Forty-five minutes from the Giza pyramids outside of Cairo on the Assyuit Western Desert Road is a small 16.57 acre farm called the Jesus Moringa Research Farm. Max began this farm to grow mostly the African variety Moringa stenopetala tree. This amazing tree has been called the “miracle tree”. It is fast-growing, almost indestructible, and drought-resistant. From the seeds, the pods, the bark, roots, and leaves, the moringa is the most generous giver of life enhancing nutrients—in fact, 92 verified nutrients—and is believed to prevent over 300 known diseases. It has been used by ancient Indians for over thousands of years for medicinal purposes. The leaves are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A and C, and are capable of preventing malnutrition, beri beri, and rickets. They are also very high in protein and contain all of the essential amino acids, including two that are important for children’s diets. The moringa can actually sustain life if that is all that a person has available to eat.
Besides these remarkable benefits to the human body, the moringa is also environmentally friendly in several ways. First, the crushed seeds are being used in water purification and treatment processes. The purification requires at least two hours for full effectiveness, but water consumption is ready for immediate use because the seeds are safe and non-toxic. This new method can produce wholesome drinking water even in isolated or technologically disadvantaged areas of the world. Secondly, the seed oil can be used to produce bio-diesel for commercial and industrial applications. Finally, the leaves, stems, and seed pods can be used as fodder or as forage material for cattle. Scientists believe the possibilities for the tree’s future uses are endless since it has no side effects and can grow in areas from tropical to semi-arid climates.
Max hopes to one day have enough money and resources to plant these trees along the Nile and in other locations and possibly with the help of young people from all over the world to make this a world event. His determination and drive to do this has been so inspirational to me and to others around him. Once again because of the economy, he has suffered many setbacks in raising the money needed, and Max is now also experiencing serious health problems and issues, but his undying desire to complete this grand project has not faltered for one minute.I hope and believe he will be able to accomplish this extremely beneficial act of love. I want so much to be one of those people planting some of these incredible life-saving trees one day. This has become one of my new dreams. I am a huge dreamer so I believe this will happen one day! Max’s project is depicted on Facebook and is called World Peace Forest (Africa) and his farm Facebook page is Jesus Moringa Farm (Egypt).
Please join his project and LIKE his pages. I have created two videos about this incredible humanitarian project and farm for Youtube. Click on the words project and farm to view them. One is quite detailed and has a tour of the farm, and the other one is shorter but still informative.
Randi D. Ward
October 8, 2013
16 Responses to Jesus Moringa Farm (Egypt)