This has been an extremely busy week so instead of a blog today, I wish to post a poem instead and the link to a Youtube video I made a few months ago to honor the wonderful and hard working people of Egypt—many of whom are dear and close friends of mine. Click on the title to see the video made using this poem and some of my pictures from Egypt plus some special Egyptian music.
By Randi D. Ward
Oh, Egypt, my beloved second home!
How far away from you I had to roam!
But I will always lend my helping hand
To show the world your majestic land.
With my truthful book I want the whole world to look
At my loving words and my personal photos I took
And discover the magical power you cast on me.
Your antiquities and many sites are amazing to see,
But the real treasures are the people I encountered there
And the special friendships that made my life great and rare.
I dream of a land where your freedoms and desires are truly yours.
I dream of a land where your dreams can open new exciting doors.
I watch and I listen to the continuing unhappiness and discontent
And feel your sorrow, your pain, your hopelessness to such great extent.
I pray that the current problems in Egypt can be solved in a peaceful way
And that no more young innocent lives will be lost on any future day.
I admire your passion and your strength and your will to fight for what is right.
You have suffered so much—it is time for you to see a bright shining light
Which I hope can bring you true hope and joy and much needed progress
And eliminate the many years faced with problems and constant stress.
So this is my prayer for Egypt and my fellow Egyptians.
May God (Allah) guide you and keep you safe and give you peace at last.
Randi D. Ward
September 27, 2013